
The Sand Point Elementary PTA includes parents, caretakers, grandparents, community members and teachers/staff of the children at our school. When the PTA gets involved, children benefit. Your membership dues and extra contributions help to fund projects and events that enrich our children’s school experience including: improving school facilities, playground renovation, purchasing library books, English Language Learner (ELL) events, outdoor organic garden, science night, move-a-ton, coat drive, teacher grants, teacher appreciation week and much more.

Our mission is to:

  • Engage, inform and partner with our diverse community
  • Develop and enhance the resources available to students, teachers and families
  • Provide a representative voice for our children

Membership dues are $20.00 per person per year. You can complete the application and submit your payment below. Or return this form, along with cash or a check made out to SPE PTA to your child’s teacher or the front office. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY for accuracy in data entry. All information provided on this form is for PTA use only. Your information will not be released and is separate from the database used by the Seattle School District. This will provide membership for the 2021-2022 academic year. Renewals begin in September each year.

  • To complete the membership form online and pay via PayPal, complete the form below. Each adult in the household will need to complete the form.

[gravityform id=”5″ name=”SPE Parent Teacher Association Membership Form”]

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