Green Team Updates

On April 23rd, 2012, Sand Point students and volunteers, led by a representative from Waste Management, completed our initial waste audit.  A group of eight students helped sort a few bags of waste that were pulled out of the dumpster that afternoon.  We looked at what was in our dumpster, talked about what is recyclable, compostable, and what needs to go to the landfill, and learned how Sand Point can make big reductions in the amount of waste that we send to the landfill. We weighed and analyzed the waste and found that the three biggest ways that Sand Point can reduce our landfill waste are: 1. Putting food items that have not been opened on the share table, 2.  Recycling empty milk cartons and paper food trays from school lunch, 3.  Composting food waste.

Sand Point Waste Sort

After a week of learning and practicing how to properly recycle and compost at lunch, Sand Point Elementary was approved to have Cedar Grove compost pickup!  The bin has been placed on the loading dock, and got its first load of lunch waste on May 7, 2012!

Students have been very enthusiastic about reducing the amount of waste that our school sends to the landfill.  Some students have started composting food waste and compostables at home since starting the program at school.  Large 3-D posters have been placed in the lunch room behind the waste station to make sorting easier.

We have student monitors that help make sure waste is sorted properly at lunch.  It is important to make sure that our food waste and recycle bins stay free of waste that cannot be composted or recycled.  If there are adult family members who have an interest in sustainability, they are encouraged to come in at lunchtime and help monitor our waste station.

Lunchroom Waste Station


If you would like to reduce the amount of waste that your family sends to the landfill, you can have your food and yard waste collected at the curb, just like your recycling and trash.  To start composting at home, you can check out this page on the Seattle Public Utilities website.



If you are curious about where your garbage, recycling, and food & yard waste go after they leave your house check out these videos on the Seattle Public Utilities website.



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